
Archive for June, 2009

Well things are moving very…slowly. I have been working almost everyday for the past 3 weeks so haven’t had too much time. Tried writing a few things but being interrupted every 5 minutes or so started to piss me off. When I get off work though it’s usually straight to FFXI or watching any new anime episodes. Trying to get the troublesome extra time consuming stuff out of the way in FF so when the semester starts up I can play semi-leisurely.

Anyways on to the main topic at hand: Ristorante Paradiso 2.

Ristorante 1 was of course an intro to the series introducing the cast, setting, story, and mood. In Ristorante 2 Nicoletta is presented a problem that was sort of brought up in the 1st episode: What is she gonna do now that she is in Rome?

The intro begins in the restaurant with a person asking what almost everyone would ask:

Obviously a new comer.

Obviously a new comer.

This is an Old Man Megane Waiter Cafe!!! But it’s actually just a peculiar restaurant. After the intro we see everyone eating dinner while Nicoletta asks about the pictures on the wall which show the restaurants history and they even explain how much the owner cares about his wife (Nicolettas mother). Feeling a bit sour towards her mother how she could be so happy and loved after leaving her behind. I wouldn’t classify this as curse bearing grudge but it’s more like resentment. Pan out to her apartment where she is talking on the phone with her grandmother about her predicament and some of her love problems (whether she really likes him or not). At the end of the conversation she decides that she has to do something like a get a job while she is in Rome.

Strolling around looking for a job….and I’m not sure if it’s the employment office or just another place that was hiring (probably the later) but it was closed. Disappointed she continues on walking. In the same area we have Luciano sitting with his grandson Francesco.

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It’s been a long while since I’ve posted. Well, whatever your definition of “a long while” happens to be. I was reading a friend of mine’s blog, (I’ll have to keep reading that)  and it reminded me that this was a great way to put off studying. Seeing as how I will be up all night anyways, taking a few minutes to procrastinate never hurt anyone, right? Well.. maybe.



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